We have the best news to share: we’re expecting Baby Lamb in October! This pregnancy is such a precious gift to our hearts and we are absolutely delighted as we prepare for the arrival of our much-loved baby.
As this blog has been a place of documentation for the past six years, it’s only fitting to write a post celebrating our family growing! Today I’d like to share a little about our journey to this place.

Our journey to conception
To be honest, when we began to try to conceive at the beginning of 2018, we both assumed that we’d see two pink lines in no time. Neither of us felt pressured to get pregnant right away, we just assumed that we would get pregnant right away. We walked into the whole “TTC (trying to conceive) journey” very casually; we’ve practiced the fertility awareness method for our entire marriage, and I pridefully assumed that my keen knowledge of my body and cycle would result in an easy, fast conception.
That was not the case. Months came and went, and my easygoing attitude toward TTC slowly began to get twisted into one of anxiety and sadness. I’ve heard it said that “there’s no wait like waiting on a baby,” and I can affirm this to be true in my own story. All the obsessively tracking and charting and temping…and then the “symptom spotting” during the two week wait…and then taking test after test and getting negative after negative…it is absolutely exhausting–mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
For about six months, I remained in relatively good spirits. I knew that it could take healthy couples several months to conceive and we weren’t in a rush. Each month, my cycle would start and I’d think, “That’s okay! Maybe next month!”
By the end of the year, however, I was absolutely crushed. We traveled to Maryland for Thanksgiving (where my side of the family lives), and I had planned all year on announcing our pregnancy in person to my loved ones then. (This sounds a little odd and obsessive now, but it was my reality then.) I constantly daydreamed about sharing our big news over Thanksgiving dinner. Each month I’d get a negative test, I’d tell Riley, “Just as long as we’re pregnant before Thanksgiving!”
But that wasn’t our story. Thanksgiving came and went, Christmas came and went, New Years came and went, and still no pregnancy. At the end of 2017, I had created a personal list of goals/plans for 2018. The first one? “Get pregnant!” When a full year lapsed and the calendar flipped to 2019, I felt so sad and disappointed. During this time, I totally threw myself into my work as a way to distract myself.
Finding rest in the midst of chaos
Due to our struggle to conceive as well as several other deeply challenging situations in our life, I began seeing a therapist in mid-September. I met with her weekly through February. Although I have zero shame related to therapy (I’ve been before), I kept my appointments completely private from family and friends. My Friday morning appointments were a place where I could come undone and share the gritty truth–some weeks, my one hour therapy session felt like the only place where I could be completely honest and voice the full reality of how I was feeling and what I was processing.
I went through a lot of tissues sitting in my therapist’s office. My life felt totally out of control.
Wanting to be pregnant and not being pregnant is flat-out painful. I remember logging onto Facebook one morning during this time period and seeing the first EIGHT (no exaggeration) posts being pregnancy announcements from friends. I literally threw my phone across the room and crumbled to the ground.
Outside of fertility, there were several other areas of life where I was experiencing significant fall-out, specifically with regards to community. That’s a story for another time, but suffice to say that the timing was truly a manifestation of “when it rains, it pours.” I was wrestling through big, heavy emotions and felt like I didn’t have a community to lean on anymore.
Getting off the roller coaster
After a year of riding the wild trying to conceive roller coaster, my therapist recommended something radical for the new year: get off the coaster. She encouraged us to stop trying, to take some time off, to heal. At first, I was completely averse to this idea. Letting go felt terrifying.
Then, one Sunday at church, a worship song was playing and I had my hand resting on my belly, praying for a baby. During that time, God filled me with an inexplicable peace that allowed me to let go. I can’t think of this moment without crying; it was otherworldly. After months of feeling twisted in tight knots, I suddenly felt restful. For the first time all year, I truly let go. I was still sad and disappointed, but my tight grip loosened and I began to feel peace again.
It was right around the time of this experience that I felt called to let go of other areas of my life where I was holding on with a tight grip–namely, the different aspects of my work. The Lord (and my therapist) showed me how tightly I was holding these things. And for what? Slowly, I let that all go too. I stopped pumping out videos and blog posts, stopped accepting mentees, and shut down my Etsy shop.
I took a much-needed break. The type-A perfectionist in me was forced to sit down and shut up. I watched movies. I listened to light-hearted audiobooks. I cooked and baked. I sat in front of the fireplace for hours watching the flames dance. I let myself just be. No more tracking, charting, ovulation strips, or anything else. No more working 12+ hour days. No more stressing about other situations that I couldn’t change. It all came to a sudden, holy halt.

Letting people into our story
The loneliness and isolation that can surround infertility was, for us, by far the most piercing and difficult part. In such a private struggle, it’s hard to know who to share with–especially since kind and well-meaning people can sometimes accidentally say insensitive things. Though I readily share pieces of my story online, what you see and read from me is curated–and sometimes, highly curated. (I guarantee the same is true for every other blogger/vlogger as well.)
By the end of 2018, however, it became clear that we needed to widen our circle and let others in on our struggle. We desperately needed the support. I began by reaching out to two of my online friends. Both have shared about infertility and miscarriage, so they were safe place to start. I knew they’d come from a place of understanding, which is exactly what my heart needed. We FaceTimed and texted and I am so, so grateful for their support. It was/is absolutely precious to me.
We sat down with our parents and shared our journey. Talk about a painful conversation. Both Riley’s mom and my parents were deeply, deeply sad for us and also surprised that we were having a hard time conceiving.
We reached out to friends who we knew would partner with us in prayer and support us without judgement or fear.
Suddenly, our isolation transformed into a full-fledged support network. We had people praying for us every single day. We had people reaching out in love every single day. We had people encouraging us every single day. This changed absolutely everything.
Instantly, we saw how we didn’t have to walk through the valley alone. Our friends and family began to shoulder the burden and cover us in prayer. Again, this changed absolutely everything.
New year, renewed joy
As we rolled into the the new year, we felt cautiously hopeful. After much prayer and consideration, Riley and I decided that it would be a good idea to schedule a fertility appointment. (I had previously been told to try for a full year before scheduling this appointment.) I didn’t want to jump back onto the chaotic roller coaster of 2018, but I did want to rule out any obvious issues with my body that was hindering or preventing pregnancy so that we could begin to move forward peacefully.
It was also during this time that we began to map out our year. Deciding that we were no longer going to put our life on hold while we waited to get pregnant, we booked a big trip to Europe in the spring. We booked flights and hotels and began to map out our excursions and plans. (This trip has since been cancelled. I’ve never been so happy to cancel a trip in my life!)
My appointment was in early January, and though it was difficult, I felt peaceful in taking this step forward. Eventually, my doctor told me that there was nothing obviously wrong with me and that our next step was to get in touch with an infertility specialist who would test both of us further. We had a big trip to Disney World (our happy place) planned at the end of the month, so we decided to schedule that appointment after we returned home.

We went to Disney World and experienced joy and laughter and unexpected blessings and surprises that our souls so desperately needed. The healing effects of deep-rooted joy cannot be discounted. After our wonderful week away, we came home with happy hearts. I can’t explain how grateful we were for this gift; it was such a relief to feel light after all of the heaviness of the previous months.

The surprise of a lifetime
After we got home from Disney, we settled back into our routine. Riley jumped back into his work and I reopened my Etsy shop and began to slowly create content again.
One evening, after settling back into real life, we decided to reopen the can-of-worms conversation that is trying to conceive. We discussed our options and next steps and made a plan for scheduling an appointment with an infertility specialist.
The very next morning, I woke up feeling exactly like my cycle was about to start. I kissed Riley goodbye, and then, as I stood in the kitchen about to take ibuprofen, I felt a strange pull to take a pregnancy test. My inner dialogue: Blair, go take a test. What if you’re pregnant? You don’t want to take ibuprofen! And then, This is so cruel. I’m not pregnant. I really don’t want to see another negative test. And then, But what if you are? And finally, Whatever, I’ll take a test.
I headed into our bathroom, took a pregnancy test, and set it down to process. I then walked over to the sink to wash my hands and brush my teeth. While I was brushing my teeth, I walked over to glance at the test–AND THERE WERE TWO PINK LINES. No kidding, I started fully choking on my toothpaste. I was shocked, shocked, shocked, shocked, shocked. I began to shake uncontrollably. I thought for sure this was a fluke! There was no way!

I took two more tests, including a digital one. Once I saw the word “Pregnant” read out, I began to think that maybe I actually was pregnant. I was still in my pajamas, so I threw on leggings and shoes and a winter coat, grabbed the digital test, and immediately drove to Riley’s studio.
Telling Riley
Before Riley had left for work that morning, I told him that I would go on a Starbucks coffee run and drop some off at his work for him (I do this a lot). I pulled up to his studio and texted him to come outside. When he walked up to the car, he thought I was dropping off coffee, so his eyes immediately went to the cup holders–which were empty–and then up at me in bewilderment.
“You didn’t get coffee?” he wondered. (This question is so hilarious to me now.)
“Get in the car!”
He climbed into the passenger seat, and, still shaking, I pulled out the digital test. I will never, never, never, never, never forget this moment. I will cherish it for the rest of my life. He was thrilled! And shocked! And so excited! It was such a special moment between the two of us. Just us, sitting in the warm car on a cold February morning, shaking and crying and rejoicing because WE WERE EXPECTING A BABY!

We both needed coffee at this point, so we drove to Starbucks together. It was around Valentine’s Day, so I got the seasonal cherry mocha (decaf, of course) and Riley got his usual cold brew. We sat in the car absolutely overcome with emotion and joy. What a fun memory; something I will truly never forget.
As it turns out, we had conceived the week before Disney World. Clearly, I had NO idea. When we realized this timing, Riley’s reaction was “Our baby’s already been to Disney!” Another line I’ll never forget. So sweet (and funny!). Imagine us telling our child that we took him/her to Disney when he/she was literally three days old and the size of a poppyseed. Hah!
Telling our family and friends

It has been a blast to share our big news and watch people squeal in joy and delight and join in our celebration! The best part is telling the backstory–about how desperately we wanted and prayed for this baby and how amazing our God is to answer our prayers and write this story of redemption and deep, deep joy.

Aside from telling Riley, I was most excited to tell my sister Allie. She had just found out that she was pregnant too! We’d always hoped to be pregnant together, but never thought it would actually work out. Getting to tell her that her baby would have a cousin exactly his age was so special. To say that we are THRILLED to go through pregnancy and motherhood together is the understatement of the century. Our entire family is floating on cloud nine. By Christmas this year, there will be TWO babies in our family!!! What a joy!

Riley’s side of the family is equally excited! His two sisters both burst into tears when they heard the news and his mom is over-the-moon to have a new grand-baby!
Our friends and extended family have been wonderful as well. Everyone has instantly shared in our great joy and celebrated this precious new life with us.
Questions and answers
Whenever I’ve shared that I’m pregnant, these are the most-asked questions! I’ll answer them below in case you’re interested.
How are you feeling?
Now that I’m in the second trimester, I’m starting to feel a little more like myself each day (I am 15 weeks along when this post is published). However, I felt awful during the first trimester. My heart was so happy but my body was so very sick. I struggled with constant nausea and vomiting, extreme fatigue, intense headaches, food aversions, and all kinds of other strange symptoms. I’m hoping that I’ll get to experience that much-discussed “second trimester magic” soon!
When are you due?
I’m due in late October! Such a great time to have a baby, don’t you think? We would’ve been thrilled to expect a baby on any day of any year, but we’re both thrilled that October will be our baby’s birth month!
Do you know if you’re having a boy or a girl? Will you find out? Do you have a preference?
No, we don’t know yet! Yes, we are finding out. Once we find out and tell our family and friends, we will share publicly! (Side note: I really thought I would have a strong inclination/mother’s intuition about the sex of the baby but I have truly NO idea.)
Neither of us has a preference on whether the baby is a boy or a girl. We’d be ecstatic either way! We are so, so, so thrilled to meet whoever this baby turns out to be.

Do you have names picked out? Will you share the baby’s name before you give birth?
No, we don’t and no, we won’t. We have a list of names we like, but we haven’t even remotely narrowed it down or settled on a name/names. And at this time, we do not plan on sharing the baby’s name with anyone before he/she is born. Too many opinions out there, even/especially in our own families. Of course, we might change our minds, but that’s our plan for now.
Are you showing yet?
I am! I have a little bump that fluctuates in size from day to day. Although some of my pants feel tight/uncomfortable, I’m still wearing my regular, non-maternity clothes (mostly leggings and t-shirts!).

Are you going to document and share your pregnancy online?
To be fair, this isn’t a question I’ve gotten “in real life,” but it’s one I know I’ll get here (and rightfully so!)! While I want to document and share my pregnancy journey, I’m also feeling a very intense sense of protection over this pregnancy. What I mean is that after a winding road to get here, I just want to enjoy it. I’m uninterested in answering judgemental questions and/or feeling the need to defend any of our decisions as brand new parents-to-be.
As many of you know, there are literally hundreds of decisions surrounding pregnancy, birth, and parenthood. (Before I even got pregnant people were asking me questions like whether I planned on breastfeeding and whether I planned on cloth diapering! Talk about overwhelming!) And behind all those decisions are very strong opinions on both sides. I’m still discerning how to share my journey while maintaining clear and strong boundaries.
I want to be able to fumble through new parenthood, make mistakes, figure things out, adjust to the needs and personality of our child, and decide what works for our family without feeling like I have an audience watching and critiquing my every misstep (and there will be many missteps, I’m sure). I’ve seen other blogging/vlogging moms do this well, so I’m taking notes and making plans!
Once your baby arrives, will you share him/her online?
Another online-only question. We’re not sure to what degree we’ll share our child online. I really want to “introduce” our sweet baby to you all and I’d like to share some milestones here and there, but I’m not sure what sharing will look like beyond that. This is a decision that every parent has to make, and we’ve just started to discuss it and see where we land and what choices we want to make for our family.
Has Charley (our dog) been acting weird/different?
The night before I found out I was pregnant, Charley came and laid directly on my stomach (he has never done this before). It was so cute and strange that I took a photo (below)!

Since then, he’s been more clingy and tends to snuggle up by my belly more. I really do think dogs know!
What cravings and food aversions do you have?
Cravings: Bagels and cream cheese (my #1 craving and the only thing I can stomach some days), Starbucks chocolate croissants, cold and icy desserts like Italian ice, snowballs, slushes, and sweet drinks like Gatorade, soda, lemonade, fruit punch. As you can see, my nutrition has been absolutely top-notch! In the windows of time when I’m not nauseous, I’ve made a concerted effort to eat healthy meals–but diet and nutrition has been a massive struggle overall due to nausea.
Food aversions: Almost everything else! So many different foods make me gag/vomit even though I’m on anti-nausea medicine. Some days even water makes me gag! The tricky part has been my food aversions changing daily. One day I’ll really want a certain food and the next day, that same food will make me gag uncontrollably. Taking my vitamins and supplements is a comedic nightmare. Even thinking about them now makes me feel sick!
I should note that my food aversions have become more managable the further I get into my second trimester. Here’s hoping I’m on the up and up!
Are you guys just so excited?
(This is the sweetest question!) YES!!! We are like little kids waiting for Christmas to come! We talk about the baby and to the baby 24/7. We constantly tell Charley about his “baby brother or sister.” We are thrilled! Thank you in advance for sharing in our great joy!

This post is dedicated to every woman, every couple, and every family who is waiting for a baby. My heart is with you.
Thank you for reading! You can find me online on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter. If you’d like to be alerted whenever I publish a new post, you can follow me on Bloglovin’ or subscribe via email. Lastly, be sure to check out my Etsy shop!
Congratulations, Lamb family! Blair, you will make the best mama! Children are certainly a blessing from the Lord!
Thank you, Brianna!
So happy for you two, I’m due mid November with my first and you can totally relate to many of your feelings! looking forward to hearing how this precious pregnancy progresses, you’re going to be a great mama
Thank you Abby, and congratulations on your little one too!
I am overjoyed for you! What a blessing! You’ll be the best mom, Blair.
Thank you, Julie.
I have been following your YouTube channel for several years. I found your channel by way of your Disney Vlogs, but certainly have found much more. We do not have much in common (aside from eye and hair color) but your content motivates me in a way that I cannot explain. It is very exciting to see you live out your dream of being a mother, and I wish you the best on your journey.
Thank you, Jennifer. I really appreciate that.
So excited for y’all! What a blessing from the Lord! You and your sister look beautiful on Easter!
Thank you, Meredith. We’re all so excited!
Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you both!! I wondered what you have been up to with your lack of blogging. What wonderful news!!
Thank you!!!
Reading this gave me chills, made me tear up, made me smile, and made me laugh! I am so incredibly happy for you both and I appreciate your candid honesty of the entire experience leading up to this moment. I cannot wait to see what/if you decide to share and follow along on your journey as new parents. May God bless the three of you.
Thank you so very much for reading and commenting. We feel so humbled and excited!
AHHHH!!! Absolutely thrilled for the two of you! I actually stopped in the midst of a test for a job when I saw the email come through. Congratulations on this wonderful blessing!
Oh my goodness, how sweet! Thank you, Jessica!
Oh my goodness how excited I am for you !!! What a blessing !! Please take care of yourself and that sweet babe first and foremost always <3 Your faithful followers will always be here. A very wise midwife shared some wisdom with me during my first pregnancy about the foods we eat to survive those morning sickness days – you already ate so healthy before you got pregnant that your 'building blocks' for the babe are full of the good stuff. Some junk food to survive is totally ok
oh my goodness Im just so excited for you !!! Also on a personal note- I know how it feels to wait and wait and wait and wait and wait for those two lines. Its a long hard wait. I know you said you didnt want to go public with your journey but the Instagram community helped a dear from of mine TREMENDOUSLY during her struggle. She made a separate account so she could journey and vent in her own way away from her family. You are not alone and will never be alone in your journey to motherhood. Ignore the haters and embrace the support <3 Congrats again and so looking forward to updates !!!
Thank you, Samantha! I love your midwife’s view on nutrition–it definitely takes the pressure off. Thanks again!
I am just flat out in tears reading your story and journey to fall pregnant. What an absolute blessing you have been given! I could not think of two people who deserve it more. You and Riley are going to be the most wonderful parents. I am honestly over the moon for you two! Congratulations Blair! I cannot wait to follow you on your journey through motherhood (whatever you choose to share)!
Thank you, thank you, thank you Kayla!!
This is so lovely and I’m so glad for you. I know how hard it can be. My husband and I suffered a miscarriage last year and we’ve had to learn to let go as well. I’m so glad that you have this miracle and I am praying for you and your growing family!
Oh Caitlyn, I am so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I wish I could give you a big hug. Thank you for sharing in our joy and I pray you experience breakthrough in your journey soon!
I am so happy for you guys! TTC is quite a journey, I know that too. Don’t stress too much about diet–I think I subsisted off of bagels, tortilla chips and Gatorade for the entire first trimester! I’ve only just been able to start eating uncooked fruits and veggies again (beginning of my third trimester here!), and I still hate a whole variety of random foods, haha. I’m excited to read as much of your journey as you want to share online
Thank you, Claire! And congratulations on your pregnancy!!
Blair, I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am for you guys! Experiencing infertility is incredibly heart breaking and cruel – we dealt with male infertility factor and can say we are so grateful for our (now 3 year old) little miracle! This will be one of the most fun adventure of your life! Congratulations to you both!!
Thank you, Karen. I’m sorry you guys walked the long road. It can be so cruel–what a joy that you have a lovely three year old now! Thank you!
Baby Lamb’s story is already so full of life, hope, and love and brings me to tears! You and Riley are so deserving of this sweet baby and are both going to be amazing parents. What a lucky child. Thank you for sharing your heart with us and of course the sweet snippets of your growing family! Congratulations to you both! Sending you so much love! (I guess boy! Haha)
Thank you, Hannah! What kind words. I can’t wait to know whether the baby is a boy or a girl! I’m so 50/50 and just want to know!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you! Thank you for sharing your story.
Thank you, Amy. xo
Congratulations! This is wonderful news and I’m certain that you both will be wonderful parents!
Thank you! How sweet.
My story was so so similar to yours. We lost our first daughter in January 2016 because she was born prematurely and started trying again right away because we didn’t know how long it would take for us to get pregnant again. I thought maybe 3-6 months but I kept getting every negative test and some months I would do things differently and nothing would change. It was SO hard and honestly that entire year was just incredibly rough just wanting a baby so bad and not having one. We wound up getting pregnant around the same time as you guys and had our sweet rainbow baby in October of 2017 and it was amazing. We appreciate parenthood so much more because of the hardship we’ve experienced in losing a child and trying to get pregnant for an entire year. Your story brought me to tears because it brought back all those emotions I experienced that year struggling to get pregnant. It’s such a challenge but once you get through it it’s so amazing. Your baby will be so so loved and you’ll make incredible parents♥️♥️ I do hope you’ll share some of your pregnancy journey but understand the desire to protect something so so precious. I hope the second trimester treats you well!
I am so sorry to hear about the heartbreak you had to walk through. I can only imagine the massive amount of love you have for your precious little one now after such a hard season. Thank you for sharing your story!
SO excited for you and Riley! You’re going to be such wonderful, loving parents.
Thank you, Corie. What a nice thing to say.
So so happy for you all! Y’all are going to be the best parents. There will be lots of opinions from everyone (online and in person) but just stick with your gut. I have a 2 year old and there have been a couple instances where I went with what someone else said and I regret those the most so good luck and congratulations!!
Great advice, Kathryn! Thank you!
I am so incredibly happy for the two of you – little Baby Lamb has been blessed to be given you two for parents!
Thank you so much! That’s so kind of you to say.
Oh my goodness!! I got goosebumps, tears and excited reading this! Congratulations!! My hubby and I went thru a long TTC journey (10 years). I have pcos so we knew it was me. We tried a couple things (clomid) midway but we just left it in Gods hands when they didnt work out. We toom a few months off. I was busy being a stepmom already and felt lucky for that. We finally decided we were going to see a specialist in 2013 (10 years ttc). Our apt was 2 months out. I was 6 weeks (2 weeks before apt) pregnant when I realized I was waking a lot to potty and I had thrown up when I brushed my teeth. I was telling my best friend this when she said um you are pregnant.! Yep I was. If my husband didnt work and hr away I would have driven to his work..lol! We also had our second baby 2.5 years later since I was 35 when we finally had our first together we figured jump on my normal cycles while we could. Our girls are amazing and adore ewch other.
Super excited for you both and may you have a wonderful pregnancy and healthy baby!!!
What an amazing story you have, Lindsy! Thank you so much for sharing. Thanks so much for reading and sharing in our joy!
Literally brought tears to my eyes!! So excited for you! Thanks for sharing your story and your joy! I hope you are feeling all the support and love and that you feel better soon!
Thank you so much, Emily! We feel very loved!
Congratulations!! So happy for you.
Enjoy the clingy puppy cuddles…My pup was my first clue we were expecting and he stayed right by (or on) me the whole pregnancy. When we brought baby home, he sniffed baby, then me, and continued on with life like he knew exactly what was going on.
Enjoy the second trimester, it really is the smoothest part of pregnancy. Good luck to you guys on your exciting new chapter!
Thank you, Julie! Oh my gosh your pup sounds SO sweet! I hope Charley acts the same way, hah!!
I’m so excited and happy for you. It took me 3 1/2 years to get pregnant so I understand the difficult journey, it’s exhausting. You and Riley will be such excellent parents! One very lucky baby!
Thank you so much, Joann. I really appreciate your ongoing support!
Congratulations!! My husband and I are in that waiting, trying to conceive period. We hope and pray to be blessed with a little one someday, in God’s time. I am so excited for you!! You will be wonderful parents. I look forward to the instagram posts you will decide to share. Enjoy every moment!!
I’m praying alongside you! Thank you for your well wishes and I pray you get those two pink lines sooner than later!
Yay!! This is so exciting!
Can I ask why you cancelled your trip to Europe? Is there an outbreak of some sort that could affect the baby?
Also has anyone tried to touch your belly yet? The very personal in nature questions (like will you breastfeed) seem to be fair game as soon as you get pregnant, I don’t know why. But, if you do decide to breastfeed or cloth diaper there are great groups on Facebook that help with both of those things! And I’m sure your readers who are super passionate about those things (wink wink) would be willing to give you tips if you ask!
Yay!!!! Again I’m super excited for you! I was wondering if you guys were planning on starting a family!!
Hi Heather! Thank you! We cancelled our trip to Europe because I am still quite sick (nausea/vomiting) and still dealing with extreme fatigue, so running around Europe sounds pretty difficult at this stage (we would be leaving in the next week!). Only my family has touched my belly so far, but I’ve heard from other moms that the stranger-belly-touching will commence soon enough!
I’m so excited for you! Trying to conceive can be such an extreme emotional roller coaster. (Our journey was somewhat similar to yours … and now my “baby” is about to be 21 years old. :o) God bless you, Riley, and Baby Lamb. I pray that your pregnancy will be full of joy and wonder.
Thank you for sharing in our excitement, Vicki! I really appreciate it!
Congratulations!! Such a wonderful blessing from the Lord. So excited for you <3
Thank you, Dory. We are overjoyed.
Congratulations! I am so happy for you and Riley (and Charley!). Thanks so much for sharing your news with all of us.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!
My sister and I both had our first babies three months apart and it is SO fun! Our boys are now 14 and are the best of friends. It was so fun to have someone to go through the experience of pregnancy together and it was equally fun to experience parenthood together. My mom loved it and often bought the boys matching outfits. It has been fun to see them grow up together and become their own little unique people while still being so close.
My husband and I also experienced infertility when trying to conceive with our second child. I understand the heartbreak of wishing for something so much only to be disappointed every month…it is hard.
I was watching t.v. one night and stumbled upon a show about a family whose only child was terminally ill and I remember thinking, “how selfish of me-to be sad about not having a second baby when this family’s only child was dying.” We quit trying so hard and decided to just be grateful for our perfectly healthy child. Within a month, we were pregnant.
Congratulations! Being a mom has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever experienced…it is an amazing thing!
Thank you, Tracy. Being pregnant with my sister has been so much fun and we can’t wait for our babies to grow up together! Thanks again!
Congratulations! I have been following you since about a month after you and your husband got married, so when I saw this post my heart was overjoyed and I cried! Thank you for your honesty and for sharing your story. Children are such a gift from the Lord and I cannot wait to see how the Lord uses you to minister in your little one’s life!
Aww, thanks Taylor! We are so excited.
Blair, thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us! I can only imagine how tough it was last year for you. But the joy you must have felt when you saw those two pink lines. There is no greater feeling than having your baby growing inside of you. And when you start to feel those little kicks….there’s nothing like it! I was about 16 weeks with my first baby when I started to feel them. I had similar cravings & aversions as you, especially water making me want to gag. Try some seltzer, it really helps! I craved salt in the beginning & sweet at the end. You & your sister have that beautiful pregnancy glow. So happy for you & Riley as well as your sister & her husband. Your parents must be overjoyed with having 2 grand kids on the way!
Thanks, Lauren! I can’t wait to feel the baby move for the first time! Thanks again for sharing in our joy.
Hey Blair.
What an amazing story. Infertility is the hardest thing to go through as a couple. Me & Richard struggled for what felt like forever before we stopped trying, God hasn’t graced us with a child but who knows what the future holds. I wish you both every happiness for your amazing future.
Love to you both. Xxxx
Thank you, Sarah. I am so sorry to hear you’re walking the winding road of infertility. It is so challenging. I pray for peace in the wait and breakthrough soon. Sending love.
Thank you Blair.
Hearing happy ending stories like yours & Rileys gives hope to others struggling through infertility, well, that’s how I feel now, I feel a lot more peace about things now that I have God in my life. If me & Richard are meant to be parents, God will make it happen & if that’s not part of his plan for us, I pray that he gives us the strength to come through that. I’m so very excited for you both & if fact, actually feeling rather giddy about it.
Have a glorious week.
This is just such a beautiful story, faith, fear, happiness, sadness, it’s just so amazing how wonderful of God is and a reminder that his times are perfect♥️
Congratulations to both. Also to Charley
Thank you so much, Diana. God is so good.
Thank you for sharing such a personal and vulnerable thing with us, I understand your pain, it’s absolutely gut wrenching when everyone around you is easily getting pregnant and you’re trying, wishing and praying so, so hard for the same. My husband and I tried so hard for 8 years, we did everything including 3 rounds of IVF which left me almost completely broken when I saw 2 pink lines for the first time ever and watched them fade after 4 days.
We are now BEYOND blessed to be in the process of adopting our amazing baby boy. I know now we needed to wait for *him*! I’m joyful now when my friends and family announce their pregnancy, that pain is gone, replaced by so, so much love and excitment for them.
No matter how we get here, it’s beyond worth it!!! Welcome to the club, mama!
Hi Trish! Thank you so much for sharing your story. HUGE congratulations on your baby boy…my heart is so very happy for you!!
I’m so happy for you both!! Infertility sucks. It took us close to 2 years to get pregnant with our daughter (who is now 5 years old), and every announcement that came in that time literally felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest. I locked myself in our closet one night because I just couldn’t handle it anymore. We’re now at 2 years of trying for number 2, and while Not quite as emotional as the first go round, it still sucks just as much.
“Infertility sucks.” 100%. I’m so happy to hear you have your precious daughter and I pray that you are able to get pregnant with #2 sooner than letter. Sending you all the “baby dust” and love!
I am so excited for you and Riley! I know this little Baby Lamb is already so loved! Your story is encouraging and such an amazing testimony, thank you for sharing! Can’t wait to hear more about your journey with Baby Lamb!
Thank you so much, Kayla!!
Congratulations to you both, it’s such wonderful news. I am thrilled for you. Being a parent is the greatest gift – my daughters are young adults now and they are my proudest achievement – they both fill me with overwhelming joy. I wish you all the very best for a happy and healthy pregnancy and beyond.
What a sweet, sweet comment. Thank you so very much.
The roller coaster is real and REAL ROUGH! We were stuck on that ride for 2 1/2 years, with the help of a fertility clinic… We felt all the pain you went through and the sense of lonliness.
On January 17th, when I saw “Pregnant” for the first time ever, all I could do was laugh and shake. It couldn’t be true. Handing the test to my husband, while he was tying his shoes and getting ready to leave for work, and seeing him smile made it more real. I broke down sobbing and asked if it said what I thought it said. He said, “yes” and hugged me tight. Then, through my tears, I proclaimed loudly, “I just put my progesterone in! I need to lay down!” LOL
Honestly, my emotions were all over the place.
I will be 18 weeks tomorrow and despite an early diagnosis of gestational diabetes and needing progesterone support (injections and suppositories), I have had a very smooth pregnancy and don’t “feel pregnant” for the most part. It’s hard to believe how quickly the halfway point is approaching.
I share this very short version of my story here because infertility is taboo and people feel they can’t talk about their journeys. I’m here to say SHARE IT! Just like you are doing now Blair. It is so important to share our stories because then maybe other friends and family won’t feel as alone as we did. It lets them know they can come to us any time they want.
Anyway, congratulations! Seriously! I am so happy for you two. I stumbled across you on YouTube a couple years back and every time I watch a video of yours I feel a sense of love and peace pouring out of you. You and Riley are a lovely couple who deserve all the blessings in the world.
God bless and sweet prayers for Baby Lamb.
CONGRATULATIONS, Suzy! Oh, I am so very happy for you!!! Thanks so much for sharing a piece of your story with me.
You are welcome! I am so beyond happy for you. I can’t wait to see your sweet little baby.
So happy for you! Really enjoy your YouTube videos and disney adventures!
Thank you so much, Linda!
Blair, I just found your pregnancy announcement on You Tube. At the beginning, when you said you had also written a blog about your big news, I was too impatient to watch the video ( knew I could read faster), so I came to the computer to get the story! How sweet and precious the thoughts you share. Parenthood is not always a bed of roses, but with the Lord as the center of your relationship with Riley, you will be headed in the right direction.
I’m a Disney granny, and love your trip videos, by the way, That’s how I found your announcement.
Hoping your second and third trimesters are “magical” (no more yucky sickness!) and that you enjoy preparing for baby Lamb.
God bless…
Congratulations! I recently started following your vlogs and already am a huge fan! I love you and Riley as a couple, you just seem so fun. I love that you put your faith first, that is just so evident in everything you say and do. I understand so much of the rollercoaster of emotions month after month trying to conceive. I am so glad you first found some peace and then were surprised beyond words at your sweet gift. I had a very similar experience before I became pregnant. I love watching your trips to Disney. I hope we can go on a Disney cruise next year! You guys make it look amazing. I definitely think you should check out the happy hour with Jamie Ivey podcast if you have not already. I really thing you would enjoy it. Also I really think she should have you as a guest! I think that would be the best!! Also, have you heard about the enneagram personality typing? I would love to know what numbers you and Riley are. Thanks for being so real and vulnerable.
Hi Blair. I am new to your blog! First congratulations, how exciting for your growing family. Second, I needed to read this today. I stumble upon your blog after some random Pinterest scrolling led me to your 9 tips to prepare for the week blog, I rarely read an entire blog and have never followed up reading a blog with visiting the bloggers page but I really liked your voice/message/style, so here I am. The first blog to come up on your page was this one. My husband and I have been TTC for some now and how you articulated the frustration/disappointment/exhaustion and the isolation of keeping it to yourself vs how much is appropriate to share with others was spot on. Thank you for sharing your story. I wish you the best of luck with navigating motherhood.
I have been trying for 3 years to get pregnant and needed help! i have Been going to the doctors but still nothing. The doctor said that me and my husband are fine and I don’t know where else to turn. Until one day my friend introduce me to this great fertility specialist who helped her marriage and also made her pregnant, So I decided to contact this doctor micheal casper after interaction with him he did ask me some health question and also instructed me on what to do and apply fertility herbal remedy he recommended, after then i should have sex with the my husband or any man I love in this world, And i did so, within the next one month i went for a check up and my doctor confirmed that i am 2weeks pregnant. I am so happy!! if you also need help to get pregnant contact email michaelcasper@dr.com