It seems that women have been marketed special products “just for us” since Eve bit into that piece of fruit so many years ago. Despite the heavy backlash marketers receive from women who don’t want a more womanly car or a more feminine computer website, marketers continue to think that product lines “for her” are the key to breaking into the market.
Apparently, in a society where women are beginning to break the glass ceiling for the first time in history, we still need something especially made for us–meek, weak little us.
In what has to be an all time high of ridiculousness, Bic has created a Bic for Her line of pens. PENS. Because, you know, I can’t use any old manly pen. My delicate hands just can’t take it. And so Bic created “a ball pen essentially for women!” Thank heavens (giant eye roll).
Enter: Ellen DeGeneres. Outspoken TV personality, publicly gay, equal rights activist. It doesn’t take long to guess her reaction to Bic’s lady pens. But we don’t have to guess. She spent four minutes on her show dedicated to expressing her opinion. Not only did I laugh, I found myself giving her a robust “AMEN sister!” multiple times.
Marketers! LISTEN. Gone (way gone) are the days when making a product sparkly and pink will sell to women. Gone, I say! Women today are educated, bright, and unique. We don’t need lady pens. Or lady computers. Or lady cars.
If you haven’t already noticed, we are totally capable of using regular pens. And regular computers. And regular cars. Shocking, isn’t it? This Huffington Post article outlines some of the hilariously snarky comments that Amazon reviewers have left on the Bic for Her product page. One woman wrote:
“Finally! For years I’ve had to rely on pencils, or at worst, a twig and some drops of my feminine blood to write down recipes (the only thing a lady should be writing ever). I had despaired of ever being able to write down said recipes in a permanent manner, though my men-folk assured me that I ‘shouldn’t worry yer pretty little head.’ But, AT LAST! Bic, the great liberator, has released a womanly pen that my gentle baby hands can use without fear of unlady-like callouses and bruises. Thank you, Bic!”
And so I will say again: AMEN, sister!
What do you think? What’s your take on the “for her” phenomenon? Comment below & let’s have a chat!
Amen sister! So ridiculous!
Saw Ellen today too…she was right on. Did you see that horrible pink Honda Fit? Clearly they are running out of ways to market so they’re just going back in time to start all over again. Pathetic!
I can’t even deal! This is so ridiculous. We’re not a different species! We make almost ALL of the buying decisions in the market. You’d think they’d be making better marketing decisions! HULLO!
Literally laughing out loud to your post and that video. Thanks for posting:) I hope I get some Lady Pens in my stocking this year. With instructions on how they work, of course!
I’ll buy you some lady pens. Lady pens for the vineyard! Make sure your boyfriend is around to read you the instructions 😉