This post is not sponsored in any way.
Bras have been uncomfortable since day one
I remember the first day I ever wore a bra. It was ridiculous, every part of it. I was in middle school, completely flat-chested, but “everyone” was wearing a bra, so I wanted one. Too embarrassed to talk to my mom about bra-wearing, I found a raggedy old bra in a pile of hand-me-downs from my cousins. (Side note: I wore almost exclusively hand-me-downs until I was a teenager. Upside/downside of having such a huge extended family!)
Y’all, that bra was a little white training bra with an embroidered Winnie the Pooh on it. Winnie the Pooh! On a bra! Embroidered! This makes me laugh every time I think about it. That bra was so uncomfortable that I–no joke–took it off in the middle of the school day (in the bathroom), stuffed it in my jacket pocket, and went braless and comfortable for the remainder of the day.
And thus began my hating bras. A lot.
I’m not a let-the-girls-hang-loose braless kind of girl (if you are, you do you sister!), so I’ve worn bras that I’ve hated every day for the past 15ish years. There have been a couple here or there that have been slightly less uncomfortable, but I’ve largely hated them all. The band is always too loose or too tight. The straps either dig in or fall off. The cups are never the right size. They’re just the worst. I’ve gotten measured, I’ve learned my proper size, I’ve done all of that. They’re still uncomfortable!
Enter ThirdLove
I listen to a lot of podcasts and scroll through social media often, and I’ve seen ThirdLove advertised time and time again. Being such a bra-hating skeptic, I ignored their ads. Until a month ago, when I was laying on the couch on my side, in one of my bras I hate, and realized that both of my breasts were fully out of the bra. Like, the bra fit me so poorly that laying sideways rendered it completely ineffective.
Enough is enough, I thought! I’m a grown woman. It’s time to find a bra I actually like! ThirdLove immediately came to mind (thank you, countless advertisements), so I went to their site. I filled out a boob quiz (not the real name of it) and told them about all of my bra problems. At the end of the quiz, I was told my bra size–34 B 1/2, they have half cup sizes!–and that I could order a bra to try for 30 days and only pay the cost of shipping.
Three dollars and a week later and my ThirdLove 24/7 Classic T-Shirt Bra was at my doorstep. I tried it on immediately.
First impressions
Honestly, my first impression was uncertainty. The bra felt comfortable, and it seemed like it fit, but it also felt very tight around the band. One of my friends recently got a custom bra and told me it took her some time to get used to the band because it’s so much tighter than her others. She told me that bra bands were meant to be tight to start because they’ll loosen over time. With that in mind, I decided to commit to wearing the ThirdLove bra exclusively every day for my 30 day trial period to give it a full shot. (At the end of 30 days, you have to return the bra or pay for it.)
Today, my card was charged. I have not worn another bra for the past month. I am in love! I love a bra–what’s happening here?
This bra is perfect for me. The band is tight but not overly so, the straps are made to stretch and loosen as you move your arms throughout the day, the cups actually hold my breasts in place. When I lay down on the couch, my girls stay put. I find this bra so comfortable that I forget to take it off until I’m getting into bed whereas I used to rip my bra off as soon as I was home for the day! In fact, it’s 20 minutes until midnight and I’m still wearing it now.
Comfort points
Here’s what my bra looks like. There are other colors, but I chose nude (called “naked-2”).
The straps are genius. I don’t know how to describe them, but below is a close-up photo. Basically, on top of the normal bra strap is this pleated fabric that creates a bungee effect. My straps have not fallen off one single time in the past month because this strap is so secure. It’s not too tight, but it stretches and compresses as I move. I love this feature.
There are lots of different bra styles, but this particular one has thin memory foam cups. It’s perfect for everyday wear. The band is crazy comfortable too–it’s a super silky, stretchy double-layered elastic.
Other than the straps, my other favorite feature is the closure. The hooks are on padded memory foam with no tag, so the closure is incredibly comfortable.
Give ThirdLove a shot
As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, this content is not sponsored! It takes a product I absolutely love for me to dedicate an entire post solely to it, and this bra is worth an entire post.
Every woman’s body and preferences are different, but I highly recommend ThirdLove, especially since you can pay $3 to give one of their bras a try for a month. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it–but I think it’s worth a shot! I’ve been so impressed. I think a huge part of why I love this bra so much is because it’s a half-cup size–it fits just right. Love it.
If you use this referral link, you get $15 off your first purchase and I get $15 toward my next purchase. Win-win! (Anyone can get a referral link, this is still not a sponsored post! 😉 )
// Have you ever tried ThirdLove? Will you?
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Well I don’t know that I’ve ever “really wanted to try” a BRA before, but here we are…
I get ads for third love all the time! The bras look great, I was seriously thinking of trying one out. The half size thing is really interesting!
I’m trying to try it now, but it’s not taking $15 off. Is there a coupon code?
No, it’s automatic when you make a purchase. It doesn’t apply to the free trial. Hope you love your bra as much as I love mine! 🙂
Thanks for this post! I keep seeing ads for them online and wondered if it was worth the hype. I didn’t realize I have a problem with my bra straps falling down or my girls falling out of the cups when I move until I read your blog post! I’ll have to give ThirdLove a try!
I too have been bombarded with these ads and have been skeptical… but now I’m thinking I might have to give it a shot once I’m ready to buy some new ones.
Just ordered mine and it’s on the way…..cant wait to get it.
Just went and made the jump – using your referral link, so hopefully you got your share of that.
I have “Honey” installed on my google Chrome browser – that found a coupon code that saved me another $20 or so…
Bras are my nemesis’ – can never find my size, and if I do, they are ugly, or close to $100 …imagine a guy having to shell out that much just to find the right size boxers…lol
Anyway – waiting for that package, I’ll let you know how it worked out…excited to try it anyway.
I have had the same bra for 7 months now. I wear it once a week. The foam cups are disintegrating and the fabric on the straps is shredding. I am extremely disappointed as I like the bra. But for the price it should hold up longer. I also never put it in the dryer. Wash it on gentle and hang to dry. I have much less expensive bras that have held up for years with the same amount of wearing and washing.
This is an old comment, but I imagine others could end up here like I did. So I’m replying just in case. Some bras may last a really long time, but like toothbrushes they’re supposed to be replaced a lot more often than most people think….even if they’re still usable.
I was so excited to check it out but apparently they don’t carry my size! Another one bites the dust for us 42DDs
I was extremely disappointed. Thirdlove does not offer bras in my size. Like so many other lingerie manufacturers, Thirdlove assumes if you are a heavyset woman, you must have equally large breasts. Therefore, they do not offer large band sizes in smaller cup sizes (B, in my case). I sent them an email expressing this disappointment; no one ever bothered to answer my email. Mercifully, I was able to find a lingerie website that doesn’t make such assumptions about large women and did find bras to fit. My recommendation? HerRoom.
I did order a bra based on your positive review and that you wore your test bra for 30 days since you had 30 days to return. However, I am wondering how you did this since the bra I received clearly states that return bras must be unworn and with tags still on.
After reading your review, I clicked on your referral link… I chose two bras, but did not get the $15 referral savings. Waiting to hear from you before I finish my order… maybe you can help
I can’t figure out the ThirdLove referral system. It has never worked for me, no matter what I do. So sorry!
Hi, quick question…can you see the seams through any of your tops? Like sometimes I can see the bra outline in tighter fitting or thinner materials. Thank you in advance!
Question about padding – when cold, does it hide well enough so there is no poking out? I have a 32F bra (not ThirdLove) but it’s thin and will always show through – which I hate!! Just curious on that before I try it.
I’ve never had a headlights problem with this bra! 😉
I tried four (4) different styles and zero fit. It took weeks but thirdlove did refund 100% after many emails. 32ddd and 5’2″ at 150#. Not a right fit in any style. Wire cut me.
Same with me so far. I’m different proportions but I’ve tried 3 times to find a fit I love with ThirdLove. They advertise the best bra is one you never notice but ALL I DO aid notice these. I didn’t even really need a better fit…I just thought they’d be super comfy and easy to buy online.
My biggest problem with bras, is that most companies assume that if you have large breasts – you are a large person. I (unfortunately) have large breasts but am only 37″ around my ribs. I have NEVER had a nice bra because why buy a $100 bra if a $7 bra from Walmart will have the same coverage and fit. I finally had my take back moment as you did, “I’m a grown woman. It’s time to find a bra I actually like!” Their quiz always gave me a wrong size no matter what I put, but I tried a bra, got the next size up and immediately wanted to spread the word that Thirdlove is on to something! According to their sizes I am a 36 G (now I know WHY nothing ever fit – this size doesn’t exist in the real world!) and I am in LOVE WITH MY BRA!!!!!