Two months ago I promised to blog more and I didn’t. Last month I promised to blog more and I didn’t. So here we are with only two new posts in two months and I apologize for not staying true to my word. There are a million reasons why I haven’t had the time, motivation, or energy to write…I truly hope to get back in the saddle this summer. Here’s what’s been happening:
Job-Related Changes
Before I was laid off in December, I was employed at a startup IT company in marketing. I worked each day from 9am-5pm, and that was the end of it. To be honest, most days, I only had between five and six hours of work and spent the remaining hours twiddling my thumbs. (Several times I approached my boss and asked for more projects–each time she essentially told me that there was nothing else to work on!)
I’ve been employed at my current job since January of this year. I was hired for five months in a contract position since I had no prior ministry experience. Yesterday, I was hired full time as the Early Childhood Director! My job is to lead and invest in over one hundred volunteers so that children aged 0 through kindergarten have a great experience on Sunday mornings and also to help their parents feel equipped to pour into them spiritually throughout the wee, among other things. Truly, this is my dream job.

Here are just a few of the amazing people I work with at the Orange Conference in ATL!
For a long time I’ve felt a pull towards ministry, and I’ve journaled many times over the past few years that I felt called to work for kids and not necessarily with them. It is clear now that the Lord planted a seed in my heart a while back and has been cultivating it slowly. I love what I do every day. I love the way my relationships with volunteers create the foundation for those volunteers’ relationships with kids. It’s exciting to see a family come to church week after week because their children beg to come back. I smile when I think that many of these children will be able to say that they grew up in the church when they’re older and telling their faith stories. I really, really love the team of people I work with.
Instead of tapping my fingers and waiting for 5pm, I really enjoy my days in the office with my co-workers. We have fun and we know we’re changing lives–what gets better than that?
Apartment-Related Changes
Not much has majorly changed around my apartment, but there have definitely been some exciting updates. I just re-signed my lease, so I know that I’ll be in this particular space for another 12 months. Although I would like to explore a place with a small yard for Charley, it just made the most financial and logistical sense to stay put for another year. In my apartment, I recently put up a small cluster of frames above my couch as well as re-decorated my balcony. Both are pictured below. I love where I live!
Charley-Related Changes
My little baby is growing up! He just turned 8 months old yesterday…I can’t believe it! (For those of you just tuning in, Charley is my dog, basically my child.) You should follow my Instagram feed if you love adorable puppies and you want to watch my little one grow. Charley is absolutely the best decision I’ve made, probably ever. He is my bestie, my son, my snuggle bear, my exercise buddy, my bank account drainer, my favorite photo subject…my obsession with him has no limits. I never had a pet growing up, so I chalk my overwhelming love for this 7lb. ball of fur up to that. He. is. so. precious.
Nicknames include, but are not limited to: Little One, Wittle One, Wittle Piddle, Piddles, Pid, Piddle-Pie-Pie, Pie-Pie, Pie-Pie Baby, Baby, Bubba, Bub, Fluffy Bear, Bear-Bear…at the risk of embarrassing myself, I’ll stop. (My current favorite nickname is Piddles, Piddle, or Pid.)
Vehicle-Related Changes
Last Monday, I was in a pretty terrible car accident with a semi on the way to a staff retreat out in the Texas hill country. I thought I had totaled my car, and was really thankful when I found out it could be fixed. However, the damage is extensive (and expensive) and my car is in the shop for the next three to four weeks. I have wonderful family friends who have loaned me a vehicle for a bit, for which I am very thankful. What I’m most thankful for, however, is that I’m okay. I swear there were angels–I could have been really, really hurt. This is the first time I’ve been in a wreck, and as scary as it was, I had my boss and one of my co-workers on the scene in just a few minutes to help me figure out the logistics and comfort me. I’m blessed, I’ll tell ya!
My Honda Civic vs. this guy…yeah, my car will be in the shop for a while.
Relationship-Related Changes
Perhaps the largest reason why I haven’t written lately is because a previous long term relationship ended about six months ago. It was extremely low-drama and was more of a “we’re just not right for each other” than anything, but still required some soul searching and time disconnected from technology. Since then, a lot has changed, and [as always], God has been ever-present and ever-faithful. I recently started dating an amazing guy, and I look forward to see what’s in store. This season of life is so unpredictable! I’m learning to love the changeability and chaos.
Potential Blog-Related Changes
As I mentioned in the beginning of this post, one of my goals for this summer is to get back to blogging regularly. I really miss it, but life has gotten in the way in the past few months. I’m also interested in re-vamping and re-designing the look of my site, perhaps. Something new and fresh? I have to brainstorm.
…anyway, that’s what I’ve been up to! What’s life looked like for you?
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