For the past four weeks, I have been interning at Blue Ocean Ideas, a full-service marketing firm in my hometown. Today was my last day, and I am astounded at how much I have learned during my time there. Prior to beginning this experience, my goals were the following:
And while I am no expert, I truly feel like I have accomplished each of these five goals. The team at Blue Ocean Ideas is just a fantastic group of people, and they have all helped me learn and grow significantly throughout my internship experience.
I was able to get my hands on all sorts of projects and learn something new every day. The best thing about my internship? I realized that what I’m majoring in (marketing), is actually a field that I would love to be in post-graduation! Good news. Very good news.
Wanna check out what the office looks like? It’s awesome. FIrst of all, the Blue Ocean Ideas office is located inside an old jailhouse, so the bones of the building are just cool to begin with. Add a great group of intelligent and creative people? Here’s what you get:
A cool, comfortable office that gets your creative juices a-flowin’! So much better that a cubicle-laden environment in my opinion. (This is just one room of the office, it’s actually quite large!)
This has been my little nook for the past month! I actually love the desk/bookshelf combo and want to buy one for my apartment…hmm…
Here is some of Blue Ocean’s work, mounted and displayed on their walls. I love this mounting system, and I think it’s a great way to show off their awesome work in a non-traditional and un-cheesy way.
And in the design suite, here is the graphic designer’s corner nook. Cool, right? Check out Anna Grace’s website, her design work and photography is great.
The sweetest part of my internship? My boss’s baby boy, Beckett. My productivity levels plummeted every time this little guy made an appearance. So precious.
Anyway, I am so thankful for the opportunity I had to learn and grown as an intern at Blue Ocean Ideas! Equally thankful that I’ve found a field I’d be happy to go into when I have to grow up and be a real person in less than a year…eeek!
Deep gratitude and thanks to Brody, Greg, Maggie, Anna Grace, Brian, and Chris for taking me under their metaphorical wings and teaching me so much. I truly appreciate it.
Robert D. says
I have worked in a corporate setting for the past 16 years. I can tell you unequivocally, a cubicle environment is not for you. You should ‘seriously’ consider building an infant marketing-advertising LLC \ company, and joining a business incubator program ( complete with angel investors! ).
Working for the man will rob you of your zest for all things inspirational and fufilling. You have what it takes. Dont be afraid to reach for the brass ring, while you still have your youth! 😉
Blair Menzel says
Thank you so much for your comment.
I would love to start my own business at some point; thanks for the encouragement! Means a lot!
((And I agree, a cubicle environment is NOT for me!))