I’ll be honest…I had no idea what to post today. My creative juices just weren’t flowing. I was uninspired. Writer’s block, it’s a real dilemma. One of the best ways to get out of the writer’s block funk is to work with prompts. Kind of like if you can’t decide what to color, a good place to start is within the lines of a coloring book.
So, I grabbed these questions from here, hope you’ll stick with me as I work through writer’s block. Together, we can get through anything.
What was the last thing you threw in the garbage/recycling?
This morning, after I ate a bowl of cereal, I threw my then-empty milk carton in the recycling.
What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod?
I don’t know, and frankly I’m too lazy to go look it up. (Writers block is more affectatious than you know!) But lately I’ve been jamming to Wanted by Dara Maclean.
What is your favorite quote?
This is hard–I love words. Absolutely love them. My “beautiful words” Pinterest board has many of my favorite quotes…my favorite Bible verse is Hebrews 11:1 (Now faith is being sure of what we hope for & certain of what we do not see)…and I’ve always loved “Things are beautiful when you love them,” -Jean Anouilh.
What chore do you absolutely hate doing?
I don’t particularly hate any one chore. Probably because what I hate is a dirty house, so I’m willing to do anything to keep my home neat and clean. Chores I dislike are: cleaning the bathroom, doing the dishes, and taking out the trash.
What is your favorite form of exercise?
I love to sweat, but I strangely don’t sweat much at all. I’ll work out for an hour, and aside from my flushed cheeks, I’m barely sweaty at all. So when I get a workout that leaves me hot and sweaty, I love it. I like most forms of exercise…cardio, resistance training, yoga…etc.
What is your favorite time of day/day of the week/month of the year?
My favorite time of day is early in the morning. I also enjoy the evening time, when the sun sets and the world cools off. My favorite day is NOT Tuesday. Tuesdays are always a struggle. I quite like Thursdays. Also Saturdays and Sundays. As far as month of the year…I really like May (beautiful Spring weather!), June (summer and family vacation), and December (my birthday and Christmas!).
What is on your bedside table?
Only a lamp, my alarm clock, and a coaster with a peace sign on it. #hippy
What is your favorite body part?
I don’t really know what this question is asking. My favorite body part of my own body? Of bodies in general? Of the opposite sex’s? I’ll just answer all three. Eyes. (Also man hands.)
Would you use the power of invisibility for good or evil? Elaborate.
I’d like to answer with a resounding “Good!” but you and I both know that’s not totally true. Invisibility is too much power and responsibility. I’ll pass. I’d rather fly 🙂
If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?
I don’t think I’ve hit the age I would choose, so it’s hard to say. I’d imagine it’ll be when I’m married with babies.
What is the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?
Pay off my student loans and car. Then, buy a house and a dog. Quit my job and blog full time. And change the world! (Really though, I’d open a school. Probably in South America.)
What is your biggest pet peeve?
I can’t stand when people do things halfway. Either do something correctly and fully or don’t bother. Also, chewing with your mouth open. Smacking your gum. Not letting me merge into your lane. Always-negative people. (Thankfully you’re not any of those things 🙂 )
If you could know the answer to any question, what would it be?
Gosh, this is the most insane question ever. When is Jesus coming back again? (He said we won’t know, so that would be a waste of a question!) I truly don’t know what I’d ask. I’ll be thinking about this all day…
At what age did you become an adult?
I’d say I’ve started the process of becoming a bonafide adult in the past few months. So, now!
Recommend a book, movie, or television show in three sentences or less.
Read The Bible. Because God is Love. And you, me, and the world needs Love. || Also, watch New Girl. Because you need to laugh. And you will laugh.
What did you do growing up that got you into trouble?
Boss around my siblings, backtalk, generally trying to gain control and leadership of any and all situations.
What was the first album you bought with your own money?
I don’t know, but my day was made long ago when my dad brought me home my first CD…The Hanson Brothers. MmmBop. Nothin’ like it.
If someone wrote a book about you, what would be the title?
Blair’s Book. Just kidding, I really hope it’s something more exciting than that. Changing the World, One Blog Post at a Time: Blair Menzel’s Story. That’s more like it.
What story do you wish your family would stop telling about you?
My family’s not much into storytelling, so I can’t think of one story in particular that gets told time and time again…I get reminded that I was a smart toddler all the time by my sweet Aunt Sharon! Haha, I breezed past Pre-K and Pre-First. Genius kid, I tell ya!
True or false: The unicorn is the greatest mythical creature. State your case.
False. I don’t have much of a case, but there has to be a better creature than a unicorn, which is basically just a horse with a cone on its head. Anyone have a favorite mythical creature? I choose that one!
If you’re up to it, answer a few of your favorite questions (or all of them if you’re an overachiever!) in the comments below! I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts…and maybe, just maybe, your responses will spark some creativity and tomorrow’s post won’t be quite so lame! 🙂 (If you have something you’d like me to post about, please let me know! I could use the help!)
Tell us about your fridge organization! You promised recently!
You’re right! I’ll get on it!
Ran across your blog on Pinterest, now I’m hooked! Just thought I’d say HI! 🙂
So glad you’re here to stay! Thanks for your comment!