It’s not often that I can say something has actually changed my life. It’s almost as rare that I say something has changed my habits–especially eating habits. The way we eat is knit into the fibers of who we are–what we put into our bodies is dictated by taste buds and tradition, by what our mothers served and what we’re used to.
Over the past year or so, however, I became extremely curious about cleaner eating. My curiosity was struck when I finally gave up all “diet” foods after several years of not being able to lose a few pounds; it was out of frustration that I stopped with all things “diet.”
After ditching the “diet” foods (read: chemical-laden, toxic foods), I lost the pounds I was originally trying to lose as well as a few more.
Hmm…why is eating full-fat, full-calorie foods actually making me thinner?
Short answer: my body isn’t full of toxins and chemicals and processed, factory-made “food.”
But this wasn’t a journey that I went about on my own. In fact, the change stemmed almost entirely from blog posts I read online written by REAL women who are advocates for REAL food. And while I have a long way to go, here’s a list of articles that have truly changed the way I eat:
- The Ugly Truth About Vegetable Oils
- Is Skim Milk Healthy? (Hint: It’s not!)
- Skip the Skim Milk: Why ALL Skim Milk is a Processed, Toxic Food
- Think Fat-Free Milk is Healthy? 6 Secrets You Don’t Know About Skim
- The Sneaky Story of How Aspartame Became Legal
- My Family Ate 40 Pounds of Butter in 3 Months
- I Heart Bacon: Myths & Facts About Our Most Feared & Most Loved Food
- Is Stevia Healthy? Or Just Another Toxic Processed Chemical?
- Dangers of Soy
- 3 “Health” Foods to Avoid: Soy, Agave Nectar, Canola Oil
- How to Prevent Binge Eating: Eat Real Food Most of the Time
- Real Food on a Budget: 25 Tips to Make Eating Healthy Affordable
- Is Meat Healthy?
- A Big Fat Lie: Why the Low-Fat Dogma Needs to Disappear
I am in the midst of what I’ve deemed “Phase 1” of my real food journey. It is a long, long journey that will take many months, maybe years. It is not easy or cheap to eat real, organic, chemical-free food in America today. But I believe it’s worth it–because I don’t believe that I can put a price on my health.
I look around this country that I love, and I see unhealthy, obese, and sick people. There’s really only one common demoninator: the food we eat. It simply must be causing the obesity epidemic and sickness among us. And I have made the commitment to myself to eat foods that are free of junk. REAL food.
I hope this list has encouraged you; or in the very least, I hope it has made you curious, maybe even angry. When I first began reading these thought-changing articles, I felt overwhelmed but moreover, curious. Now, as I shop the grocery store differently and eat differently, I’m so thankful for the list above. It’s changing my health, which will change my life.
PS–I am, as I said, in Phase 1 of my real food journey. I still eat unhealthy foods sometimes–I am FAR from perfect! BUT, I am committed to making the change to real food the majority of the time. Everything in moderation.
{What changes have you made lately? Fill me in!}
This post has been linked to Thank Your Body Thursday and Party Wave Wednesday.
oh my goodness. you need to go read 100 days of real food. It’s a blog Meredith told me about and its life changing
I’ve read that before! So great!
Love this post Blair! My family started eating organic and more natural years ago and its nice to see that other people are catching on to this as well. My sister is a nutritionist and herbalist and has done lots of research on this subject. Check out The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan, I think you’d really like it.
I know your family has been into homeopathic remedies and natural eating, and now that I’m getting into that as well, you’re in my thoughts often! Thanks for your comment & I will definitely put The Omnivore’s Dilemma on my reading list!
Great information Blair , Exactly what people need to know in today’s world where eating junk foods is an in thing.
Another most important thing that should be educated to our coming generation is the bad effect of eating sugar. I have posted an article about Sugar on my Blog. do take time to read and would love to hear your comment .
Thanks for reading & commenting, John. I appreciate it.
Your post is great. Sugar is something I’m trying to wean myself off of…but boy is it hard! I am definitely a sweets lover through and through.
Am interested in real foods too and I have been duped – used to always buy canola oil – thinking it was healthy…. agave syrup too and soy – OMG – would like to keep learning…
It’s fascinating, isn’t it! Crazy stuff. Glad you’re getting informed, too!
What a great article! Thank you 🙂 This was so helpful!
I’m so glad, Mia!
Hi Blair,
I just stumbled upon this post. Have you read the book “In Defense of Food?” by Michael Pollan? It’s fabulous!
Like yourself, I have recently made the switch to eating whole, real, natural foods and have attempted to cut out chemically-ridden, preservative-filled, over-processed foods. In just over 2 months I have noticed huge, very positive changes, including weight loss. I’ve decided to start blogging about my journey as well. Feel free to it out at
Hey Sandra,
I have not yet read “In Defense of Food,” although I suspect I would love it. I’m so glad to hear that you’re making big strides in your health and diet–I’ll check out your blog! I could use the encouragement!
I just want to thank you for this article. I have read quite a few articles about clean eating, and had been off again on again with my clean eating. Your story and the articles that you have posted has really inspired me to not only stick with and to research this information even further. I already knew that some of the foods I was consuming were bad (I wasn’t 100% sure why, but now I know) and then some of the foods I was told were safe on a clean eating diet really weren’t!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This has honestly changed my life.
Oh, I’m so glad, Christin! (Love how you spell your name, by the way! 🙂 )
Thanks for this important article. My wife and I subsist on two SS incomes. Since we came to CA four years ago we found that our diets were not as good as we thought. Going organic was a natural process. Although it is expensive we have determined that if we want to see our grandchildren ( 2 & 4) grow up it is worth every penny. Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s are our staples. Also, since we have really gone organic plus very little refined sugar I have lost thirty pounds. Thanks again.
That’s awesome!!
Enjoyed reading your post, and your bio 🙂
I agree and have been doing similar as you–cutting out junk and processed things. Raw milk and butter, lots of raw veggies and fruits, and occasionally something i know i shouldn’t have put in my mouth! haha.
Totally agree! Love it!
I disagree with meat. Pork is not healthy. And most meat is from CAFOs, treated with antibiotics, chemicals, and growth hormones…I will pass.